Tuesday, September 1, 2009

And the days go on...

While out on a walk with one of L’Arche’s core members, I noticed the core member was giggling to himself. I asked what he was laughing at and he said, “Oh well, you’re just so sweet is all.” Ahh… acceptance is good.
I changed my first adult diaper today. That was interesting. The anticipation of it was pretty dreadful. I mean – I have never witnessed the adult body au-natural… However, actually doing it seemed almost natural. It seemed just like changing a baby, but much more complicated and required a little more creative maneuvering.
I also had my first “wiping” experience the other day. Unfortunately the core member I was doing it with (side note – I absolutely love this woman. She could SO be part of the Hershberger family. She’s a little gruffer, lays things out like they are, and is completely hysterical.) yelped and jumped as I wiped. Now, my biggest fear in working with the core members to do this kind of activity is hurting them or making them feel uncomfortable/disrespected. My heart sank and I jumped right along with her. The bathroom was silent for a second and then she broke out in uproarious laughter. She was totally messing with me, the little booger. I then proceeded to nearly faint with relief!
The more I’m exposed to these things though, the more I realize I totally can do this. I can change diapers, I can wipe butts, I can do physical therapy, I can feed sloppy dribbling adults their food…partly because they need it, but mostly because I really am growing a love for these individuals. Maybe it’s also because I’m realizing how much they are going to teach me this year, so this kind of care is the gift I have to offer back to them. My gift seems pretty lame compared to the gifts they’re giving me…

1 comment:

  1. Does grandpa know you're working at his workshop?? =) I've been printing your blog site off for grandma and grandpa to read and stay in touch and informed.
